Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Update from Colin.

As many of you know I am attending a bike fit symposium in London for a couple of days. The opportunity to discuss the art and science of bike fit with other professionals involved in relevant research, process and product design is very rare. Over the years I have made a point to be involved with  just about every fitting seminar/symposium available. So when I saw the list of lecturers for the next two days, I knew these would be  intense and productive sessions. Specific elements regarding pelvic tilt and twist are to be addressed from both a pedaling mechanics aspect and saddle fit and comfort perspective. I certainly expect this discussion will contribute to further refinements in our fit process. Many other topics are to be covered regarding almost every part of the biomechanical to bike interface.
The symposium is being organized by the Cyclefit shop here in London. I was a bit chagrined to find their started fitting seriously in 2001. Cyclefit has worked hard to create awareness of proper bike fit here in the U.K. just as Cronometro has in the states. By the time the Bicycle Guide article featuring our Dynamic fitting methodology came out in 1997 Cronometro had been fitting cyclists for 8 years. While Cyclefit might be a relative newcomer to the fitting scene, they have worked very hard to connect with the active research and associated medical community as they too continue to expand and improve the state of the art regarding bike fit.

Two very stimulating and productive days lie ahead as well as a pint or two......

I am sending along two photos of a couple of riders in the rain (Wed,) for your amusement

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